CVS Repository

This is a WWW interface for CVS repositories. You can browse the file hierarchy by following directory links (which have slashes after them, e.g. src/). If you follow a link to a file, you will see its revision history. Following a link labeled with a revision number will display that revision of the file. In the revision history view, there is a link near each revision to display diffs between that revision and the previous one, and a form at the bottom of the page that allows you to display diffs between arbitrary revisions.

This script has been written by Bill Fenner and improved by Henner Zeller, Henrik Nordström, and Ken Coar, then Akinori MUSHA brought it back to FreeBSD community and made further improvements; it is covered by The BSD License.

If you would like to use this CGI script on your own web server and CVS tree, download the latest version from <>.

Feel free to send any patches, suggestions and comments to the FreeBSD-CVSweb mailing list at <>.

CVS Root: [Local Repository]

[DIR] SSHFS-Mountlet/
[DIR] badi/

General options

FreeBSD-CVSweb <>