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* fixed DNSSEC verification wrongly announcing DNSSEC was not operational for a host under certain conditions * new icon set provided by Michaela Keller * updated README: Password authentication hint, installation summary for ssh-askpass-mac, removal instructions for SSHFS distributed by macFUSE added
gimp xcf file CC B gimp-image-grid (style solid) (fgcolor (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (bgcolor (color-rgba 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000)) (xspacing 10.000000) (yspacing 10.000000) (spacing-unit inches) (xoffset 0.000000) (yoffset 0.000000) (offset-unit inches) gamma 0.45455000000000001 A x SSHFS gimp-text-layer (markup "<markup><span letter_spacing=\"3072\"></span><span foreground=\"#000000\"><span font=\"Avenir Ultra-Bold\"><span size=\"107525\"><span rise=\"10240\"><b>S<span letter_spacing=\"3072\"></span>S<span letter_spacing=\"3072\"></span>H<span letter_spacing=\"3072\"></span>F<span letter_spacing=\"3072\"></span>S</b></span></span></span></span></markup>") (font "Sans") (font-size 18.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (antialias yes) (language "en") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgb 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode fixed) (box-width 677.000000) (box-height 295.000000) (box-unit pixels) (hinting yes) $ x H x $ 4 D T d t 9 8 ' + 0q 6 < <: @b G] Ld QS [ e o w x ! % į <