All path are relative to the location of this readme.publish. - Use SSHFS-Mountlet.platypus in this directory to build SSHFS-Mountlet/ - Add resources from SSHFS-Mountlet/src to - Set icon to SSHFS-Mountlet/src/gfx/SSHFS-Mountlet.icns - correct version number - Build - save profile to SSHFS-Mountlet.platypus - copy SSHFS-Mountlet.platypus to SSHFS-Mountlet/src/platypus/ and edit: change all path to start with: /Volumes/SSHFS-Mountlet/src/... - Update changelog and README in SSHFS-Mountlet/ - remove CVS dirs: find . -type d -name CVS -exec rm -fr {} \; - execute ./create_dmg - scp dist/* to server - move previous release to dist/old/