Package org.alltimeflashdreamer.filelister

The filelister package contains the application core, such as the JDBC connectivity, the configuration reader, the indexer and the viewer servlets.


Class Summary
AbstractFileListerServlet Title: AbstractFileListerServlet Description: This servlet is the superclass of each FileLister servlet and provides the commonly used methods for the extending classes, such as the printing of the error site(s) or the DimDom access method.
DefineSearchParameters Title: DefineSearchParameters Description: Simple SearchParameters extending class which stores easily accessible parameters for the GUI of the define-search site.
FileLister Title: FileLister Description: This class is the core of the FileLister application.
FileListerConfig Title: FileListerConfig Description: Stores the configuration settings of the current user/session.
FileListerControllerServlet Title: FileListerControllerServlet Description: The conroller servlet acts as the central redirection machinery.
FileListerDownloadServlet Title: FileListerDownloadServlet Description: This servlet controls the download-zip-file process, including the generation and the streaming of the zip file and the producing of text output for the client while waiting until the file is created.
FileListerEntry Title: FileListerEntry Description: Very simple value class to store the attributes of one found and accepted file or directory.
FileListerFactory Title: FileListerFactory Description: This class is designed to be used by the various JSP sites, to avoid having too much code within those sites.
FileListerViewerServlet Title: FileListerViewerServlet Description: Prepares the DimDom-ready XHTMLSiteData instance which dynamically generates the output showing the appropriate number of filtered records.
FileListerZipBuilder Title: ZipBuilder Description: Builds a zip file out of the source received within the constructor.
InitialIndexer Title: InitialIndexer Description: Runs and controls the general, so called "initial" archiving process of the FileLister application.
JSPMethods Title: JSPMethods Description: This class collects all the methods that are used in the JSP sites in a statically accessible manner.
MySQLQueryBuilder Title: MySQLQueryBuilder Description: Implementation of the SQLQueryBuilder class, using proprietary SQL of the MySQL 3.23 series.
PoolHandler Title: PoolHandler Description: This simple class provides the (static) access to a single instance of ConnectionPool.
PropertyFileParameters Title: PropertyFileParameters Description: This class stores the values of the property file, for easy handling by the FileListerConfig and the PoolHandler/ConnectionPool classes.
SearchParameters Title: SearchParameters Description: This class stores the settings of one FileLister search parameter input/constellation.
SQLQueryBuilder Title: SQLQueryBuilder Description: This abstract class defines the methods required by FileLister to get the wellformed SQL strings for the various database accesses.
ZipBuilderThread Title: ZipBuilderThread Description: Starts and controls the generation of a zip file using the ZipBuilder class.

Exception Summary
FileListerException Title: FileListerException Description: Comments the application-specific errors that may occur during program execution.

Package org.alltimeflashdreamer.filelister Description

The filelister package contains the application core, such as the JDBC connectivity, the configuration reader, the indexer and the viewer servlets.

FileLister 0.5
Copyright (c) 2002 by All Time Flash Dreamer

FileLister comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANT; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to theFree Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambrigde, MA, 02139, USA.